Coachella 2015; The Street Style

Flower crowns, tasseled capes, high waist shorts, feathers and so much more…. I’d rather be at Coachella”

Now it’s not secret that every year I spend months saying “I’m going!” well unfortunately this year nothing has hanged.  I still haven’t been but next year will be the year! Coachella gives me so much life and although I’m always down to listen to music for hours upon hours, it’s the fashion and the people that excites me! Please keep in mind that because I was not there these photos do NOT belong to me but here are some shots of the super amazing street style seen at Coachella, from the everyday folks like you and me to the extreme VIP celebs that roam the grounds! Enjoy babes.

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Photos by Melodie Jeng

Don’t you just love the vibe! everyone at Coachella eat year looks so effortless an free.  See you next year!! and don’t hesitate to tell me our thoughts on these Coachella looks!


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HEY LOVES – I’M DANIELLE or DANIE – THE LIFE LOVING GIRL BEHIND XOXODANIELLEMONE! I’m currently 31 years old and I live in Orlando, FL with my husband Jeff + our fur baby Bleu (like the cheese), a Blue Nose Pitbull who you can follow on Instagram at @greeneyedbleu. I share our life together and my style here on XOXODanielleMone and on Instagram. I definitely love the colors pink, orange and yellow and all things style but I also love: a great cocktail, home decor, fresh flowers, and spending time with my family (hey mom!).

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