5 Things You Can Do to Make for An Easier Morning

5 Things You Can Do to Make for An Easier Morning

I’ve always been a morning person ( I guess I take after my father in that respect) and I’d like to hope I always will be however I definitely understand that not everyone is going to be a morning person (most definitely not the man I married!) But I do need everyone to understand that when I say I’m a morning person I’m definitely not the girl who’s up at the crack of dawn heading to the gm or making a green juice!  I do however find I’ve wasted the day away if I’m in bed past 10AM!

Maybe on a weekend that lifestyle of staying in bed until you’re ready to get up and at it works but for most adults it certainly doesn’t and unfortunately f you have an everyday job you’re going to find yourself getting up between 6AM-7AM and heading out to work!  If you’re not the person who finds it easy to wake up int he morning then this read is definitely for you! So without further wait if you need to know the 5 things you can do to make for an easier morning then keep reading!

No Social Media for at Least 30 Minutes Before Bed

For someone like me this can be difficult as I love scrolling through Instagram and have even fallen asleep with my phone in hand but trust me when I say this will allow for you to sleep much better and will in turn make waking up a much easier daily task.

Create a Morning Routine You Love


Creating a routine that you enjoy can assist in making your mornings less groggy! I have friends who enjoy waking up at 5:30AM and going hard int he gym for an hour.  I don’t think I’ll ever be that girl but I have created my own routine that I personally love!  Whether that’s waking up, having your morning beverage (tea, coffee, whatever) reading a good article then moving on to your skincare, hair and make up, or making a morning smoothie and enjoying breakfast, you have to find what you like and do that!

Eat Breakfast 

Now don’t get this one confused with a full on brunch.  When I say eat breakfast I mean get something in your stomach! I’m personally a huge fan of yogurt and fresh fruit and I live for a Chia Pudding Bowl (add some fresh berries, granola and honey).  Waking up in the morning when you’re not a morning person and toking an omelette and some breakfast sausage will not turn you into a morning person BUT waking up (getting your routine going) and having something nice to eat whether thats in your home or once you get to work will allow youth notice more energized mornings.

Make the Last Beverage You Drink Before Bed Water

Trust me when I say I know water is not exactly the tastiest beverage in the pantry but drinking water before bed and cutting out that sugar or even those tannins (because I love a glass of red wine at night) will definitely make it easier to sleep throughout the night which will make for a much easier wake in the morning. There’s nothing I hate more than having to wake up to my alarm clock after having been in and out of sleep all night.

Go to Bed at a Decent Time

Last but not least! I’m not saying you have to go to bed at 8PM but don’t go to be at 12:30AM either.  Setting a decent bedtime for yourself, a time the allows for you to relax and unwind but not feel like shit when you wake up in the morning is so necessary!

xoxo DM

“We cannot become what we need by reminding what we are”

-Max Depree

One thought on “5 Things You Can Do to Make for An Easier Morning

  1. Love these tips! I used to be so bad with my habits before and after bed. I used to fall asleep to Netflix, sleep with my phone and so on. I have now learned to not do that, I wake up and drink a glass of water, read a book and then get into my day. I’ve been feeling so much better.


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